

1.道琼斯工业平均指数,英文简称Dow Jones Industrial Average, DJIA 由30种不同行业的大型贸易上市公司组成,其历史可以追溯到1896年5月26日,当时它包含11种证券。自那时起该指数不断调整,目前的成分股共有30只公司股票作为样本,包括通用电气、微软及IBM等著名企业,这些公司的总市值约2万亿美元,占标准普尔500成份股总值的70%以上。


2.标准普尔500指数 S&P 500 is an index of stocks representing 500 companies listed on American stock exchanges that are considered to be the best representation of US economy as a whole, so it has become one of most influential measure for world's financial markets. It was created in March 1957 by Charles Dow, Thomas Edison and George Barr who used data from just twelve industrial averages at first, then added transportation shares later when they realized how important they were for overall market performance because they reflected demand trends better than their counterparts did. The current composition of this index includes 505 components and its average annual growth rate since inception back in 1957 until September 2016 amounted 8,3%; while volatility around yearly highs reached up to 29%, which means significant risks associated with investments into this asset class; however over long term periods (more than ten years) you will notice positive result due to higher earnings growth among portfolio components than what can be expected if only bonds or other safe assets would have been purchased instead these instruments being subject themselves towards economic developments affecting corporations underlying them directly through impact on consumer confidence levels, employment rates etcetera.

S&P 500 comprises large cap stocks with market capitalization greater than $1 billion; moreover every new addition goes though extensive screening process aiming at ensuring adequate diversity within industry groups based upon size parameters defined above rather than geographic distribution across United States regions alone although there definitely is something in common between all constituents – each single company must prove ability show consistent earnings growth over time period


我目前知道的是三个,上证综指、纳斯达克综合指数和恒生指数 。 上证综指是最古老的几个股票指数之一了(上交所1990年开业),它反应的是上海证券交易所的上市公司表现;纳斯达克综合指数是美国的证券交易所在美国东部时间上午8时45分开始进行报价,以当天(T+1)4:30收盘时的价格和成交量创制股价指数;香港股市的《恒生指数》也是香港的证券交易所在早上8点半开始报的价格. 目前,我国的A股市场已逐步接轨国际市场,沪深2个大交易所都实行了开盘价与收盘价的连续竞价制度,但还没有推出新的加权平均法计算的新指数来替代老上的旧值和新加市值指数.
