

首先,这个题目就很莫名其妙。。。 然后,我只能说,Carlo Tebalj is not Kaka. Carlo Tebalj was, in all likelihood, an Italian peasant who came to Brazil around the turn of the century and settled near São Paulo, where he worked as a coachman (and later as an innkeeper) for José da Gama Carvalho e Silva Peixoto de Almeida Soares, 8º Conde de Resende. He became known as Tebalj because that was his last name on his Italian birth certificate —— which had been lost when, as a young boy, he fled with the Piedmontese army during Napoleon’s invasion of Italy.(注1) That doesn't mean this man didn't play any football at all, though; indeed it seems very likely that he did, especially given how popular the game was among the local population at the time. But there really isn't much information about him available, so we can only speculate... It may be worth noting however that one of those "Tebalj" stories makes reference to him playing against Fluminense FC, whom many consider to be the oldest surviving football club still active today. While I don't know what the story itself says 我 do know that it appears here: http://www25.brasiliana.uol.com.br/biblioteca_historico/07-flumino-vai-a-campeonato-de-brasil-em-1903/index.html 这可能是个很小的证据,但至少说明了人们确实曾经谈论过他。

(And just for fun: if you go down the page in question, you will find some other interesting historical notes. For example, the article mentions that Fluminense were originally called “Flamengo”!) To summarise, then: yes, there are some similarities between these two men: they both played football and they both got nicknamed after their last names by mistake. However, despite having similar origins (in fact, considering everything else we currently know, perhaps being from Italy actually does explain why they have similar nicknames :P ) the way each ended up being remembered was completely different: while Carlo Tebalj is now mostly forgotten except maybe amongst historians 他 / she was actually pretty well-known locally. And even more importantly, no serious person nowadays describes either of them as a world class footballer! To sum things up: No, Carlos Tebalj never lived long enough or played good enough to qualify for FIFA World Cup™. Nor would anyone seriously argue otherwise,


从技术角度来讲,他确实配不上球王的称号 不过 从人品和影响力来说,他是当之无愧的球王! 足球圈里的黑历史是很多的(比如马特乌斯、罗纳尔多等球星的黑历史) 但是如果说到在足球史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔的历史上的人物的话,我首推的就是卡卡罗纳尔多 这个黑人球员踢球的时候非常拼 我记得他曾经因为手被铲断而当场哭了起来 他是一个非常热爱足球的人,他给世界贡献了最完美的足球表演,也证明了黑人并不是不能拿球王这个荣誉 当马拉多纳退役之后 有很多人都说谁谁可以当球王了 现在我想说的是,在我心中 没有比卡卡罗更大牌的,没有比他更合适的
