1. 拨(bō)——部首:扌部外笔画:8画,总笔画:11画 五笔86&98:RJGW仓颉:QHMS,笔顺编号:12132511121 四角号码:50004 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+63CF
● 拨 bōㄅㄛˉ◎ 用手指或棍棒等击退或使离开:~开。~乱。~弄。~乱。~反。~乱乾坤(喻彻底改变现状)。 ◎ 划动或敲击使转动或移动:~水皮。~动无线电装置。 ◎ 拔出:~枪射击。~出剑鞘。 ◎ 用手指或棒杖用力戳点:~算。~拉。~乱。~数(shù)。 ◎ 量词。用于成批的东西:一~草。一~草纸。 其它字义
● 拨 báㄅㄚˊ◎ 摇动:~动。~亮。~弄。~弄是非。 ◎ 拿出、启用:~发。~支。 ~筹。~留。 ◎ 翻腾:翻~。 ◎ 挑出:~刺。~检。 ◎ 超离:超~。高~。
2. 康熙字典:【卯集中】【手字部】撥 ·康熙筆画:16 ·部外筆画:12《唐韻》《集韻》《韻會》《正韻》蒲沒切,音撥。《說文》擘開也。《玉篇》撥開物也。《前漢·賈誼傳》猶時撥亂反正。又《集韻》蒲没切,音撥。與撥通。見撥字註。
说文解字:【卷十二】【手部】撥 擘開也。从手部。蒲没切
3. 英文解释
noun: (in some dialects of Chinese) a slap with the bare hand or a stick; to slap with one's open hand (colloquially also means "to deal with") verb: (especially in Cantonese, Mandarin and Hokkien/Fujianese dialects), beat, hit, strike, wallop nonspecific object: move something around by pushing it back and forth with your fingers -- e.g. , stir a pot or mix paint use to indicate an action that you are doing while speaking: I’m going to make noodles right now, will you please go buy me those green beans? used before a word expressing a particular kind of movement when talking about general activity: let us just walk this way for once today instead of walking down there where we always do (see idiomatic phrases below) “move out” as an imperative is often shortened to simply “back it out!”: When someone says he wants a divorce but his wife won‘t listen to him, the husband usually shouts at her,“Get Back It Out!” The literal meaning is“Move Everything Else Out Of The Room So You Can Sit Down On That Chair There And Talk About This Matter!” In other words, get lost so we can talk!; pull oneself up out of a situation which has caused them difficulty: She was very stubborn,so she never learned how to climb out of trouble until later on when she became more reasonable and less aggressive
4. 常用词组
1. 拨出 būchū [withdraw] 从某项资金总额中抽出的部分。如:拨出专款;提留公益金并拨出一定比例作为发展基金 2. 拨发 bufā [pay from funds set aside] 拨付和发放。如:拨发物资 3. 撥火 biǎohuǒ [light fire] 把柴草之类加在炉火上生火。亦称“燎火” 4. 拨款 guīkuà [allot funds ;grant special budgetary allowances] 下拨款项 拨款十万人民币支持这项研究 5. 拨号通信 biádào xòngóng [